Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hey ppls, it's me again!

Yeah, so as you all know or just found out, this is a blog dedicated to Lugia!

Well, guess again, though it still will be about Lugia, it will also now be about me!

Yay, and these are the things I like.

I'll put random things in this blog so if you get bored, there you go!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Yeah, Lugia rules, but then there's also Shadow Lugia. People have gone on my site and their favourite segment was the argument! Here's a new one!:
Shadow Lugia: So hey Lugia!
Lugia: Hey...
Shadow Lugia: What did you do today?
Lugia: Nothing.
Shadow Lugia: Ooh! That's interesting! So, how do you do this "nothing"?
Lugia: You don't do anything.
Shadow Lugia: Oh! That's genius! *Takes out notepad and writes something down* So...

A few hours later...

Shadow Lugia: So, what is the purpose of ..
Lugia: Will you just shut up???
Shadow Lugia: Sure! I have enough information! *runs off*
Lugia: Bye...

A few months later...

Shadow Lugia: Look, it's my new book!
Lugia: Whoopdeedoo! Good for you...
Shadow Lugia: Don't you want to know what it's on?
Lugia: No, not really...
Shadow Lugia: Okay, stop begging, I'll tell you anyway.
Shadow Lugia: It's a book on you!
Shadow Lugia: Do you remember when I interviewed you on "nothing"?
Shadow Lugia: Well, I turned it into a book! Look! It's a hit bestseller all around the world! It's called "NOTHING!"
Lugia:?!? WHAT!!!!!
Shadow Lugia: Oh! And look on the dedications page!

This book is dedicated to me good pal Lugia! GET A LIFE!!!!!

Lugia:......WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@%&*#$&)&%!@$ $#^@!!$&$@*^&$@%$@(*&^%$#@!#$%^&*&^%$#@#$%^&*&^%$#@@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@%^&*(


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lugia Rules!

So, who screams better? Lugia, or Shadow Lugia? No one, duh! They can't scream, but they can roar!!!
Shadow Lugia: What's up?
Lugia: It's a direction!
Shadow Lugia: No, I mean, what's going on?
Lugia: There's nothing going on but you in my face!
Shadow Lugia: Oh my... Get lost!
Lugia: I'm already lost! Can you show me the way to McDonalds?
Shadow Lugia: *walks away*

He's asking a question, you better listen up! What's the square root of pi? (Trust me when I say this! High school is hard and he needs help on his homework, not me! I'm not an idiot!)

Yeah, that's right! Lugia is laughing at your haircut!!! Ha, ha! LOL

Anything else anyone but me would like to add, no, okay!!

Tal About your average Lugia deja vu! Where did I see this before?... (ugly...)

Oh yeah!!! Whoo! This blog is dedicated to #1 Lugia Fan! ME!!!

This is Lugia sneezing! (AAAAACCCCCHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Yeah, Lugia is the best, even better than Dialga and Palkia. Just in case you're wondering, Lugia is Psychic and Flying! (I thought it was water and dragon...) nyway, Lugia is so cool. He's probably the cutest legendary pokemon out there! Trust me, I think pokemon are SO cute! There's nothing wrong with thinking that! Anyway, this whole website is dedicated to Lugia, so ENJOY!!

This is probably Lugia sleeping!!! :)Yeah, look at this awesome pic of Lugia! SCREAM!!!!

Lugia is SO HOT!!! (Awkward, but true!!!) Yeah, that's right! Lugia is so"PDLS" (Hope you DON'T know what that means!!)

Tell your friends to join this blog, we need more publicity here! SERIOUSLY! I MEAN IT! I'M LIKE THE ONLY ONE STUPID ENOUGH TO JOIN THIS BLOG!!! PLEAE HURRY UP!!! I'll even post this stupid video of some alien dancing! Just get two people to join and I will!